Sunday, 6 January 2008

Can Coding MedDRA and WHO Drug be as Easy as a Google Search?

Can Coding MedDRA and WHO Drug be as Easy as a Google

Can Coding MedDRA and WHO Drug be as Easy as a Google Search?

Sy Truong, Meta-Xceed, Inc., Milpitas, CA Na Li, Pharmacyclics, Sunnyvale


In a world where information can easily be accessed by applying a Google
search, mapping unstructured clinicians term or verbatim terms from an adverse
event or a drug name to a standard term no longer needs to be an arduous task.
One of the challenges of working with coding medical terminology is combining
several skills that are diverse from many different disciplines. The user
needs to be clinically trained to understand and interpret the meaning of the
adverse events or the drug names. A conceptual understanding of the normalized
database and the multi-axial hierarchical structure is required to navigate
the dictionary. The user must also be adept at adding to the source data and
joining the case report form data with the proper fields of the dictionary
tables to derive at the final mapped data. Expecting users to overcome these
hurdles without a clear process or tools can lead to an error prone, laborious
and painful process. This paper will address many of the issues confronted
when coding terms by demonstrating tried and true methodologies and
technologies to automate and make the process efficient and easy.

1. Auto Coding – Auto code with existing dictionaries against source data
for efficient mapping.

2. Google like Search – Searching for terms in the dictionary or mapping
decision history can be as simple as a Google Search.

3. Optimize Coding Decision – Intelligence search recommendations, review
process, and managing split terms are some techniques used to optimize.

4. Optimize Dictionary – Loading source dictionary from MSSO (MedDRA) or UMC
(WHO Drug) in an optimized fashion for performance.

5. Managing Multiple Dictionaries – Organize dictionary in a centralized and
hierarchical manner to have consistent coding decisions.

6. Build Knowledge Base – Manual code only once and the term will be added
to a knowledge base for future coding.

7. Create new Mapped Data – Techniques for creating mapped data sets with
the use of email to make the process seamless.

It is essential that you have a consistent thesaurus dictionary when
performing an analysis on clinical terminologies. This paper will show
processes along with SAS based software solutions such as Sy/Map™ to allow
clinical users to function optimally with data managers and clinical
programmer analysts. Armed with the understanding of the process and the right
tools, you can narrow the gap between the different disciplines required to
perform mapping decisions in a manner that is as easy as applying a Google


The coding of patient data is critical in the grouping, analysis, and
reporting of data. Coding decisions directly impact subm issions for New Drug
Applications (NDAs), safety surveillance, and product labeling. The success of
a subm ission to the FDA can be significantly impacted by the analysis of
adverse events, medical history and concomitant medications. The analysis
relies on the interpretation of what has been transcribed from the subject CRF
( Case Report Form). The original clinical term is referred to as the
clinician’s term or verbatim term. This term needs to be re-interpreted or
coded into a preferred term in order for it to be used during analysis. This
is because different verbatim terms can have the same meaning such as in the
example of the term "pain in head" or "headache". In this
case, the two distinct verbatim terms are coded to one synonymous preferred
term. The identical terms and the consistent classification of the term allow
the analysis to draw valid statistical conclusions pertaining to the
subject’s experience. The coding process can therefore affect the
statistical interpretation of the adverse events or medications in which the
subject is taking during the clinical trial.

There is room for inconsistency or error since the process contains many
factors that go into making a decision. The following considerations are
evaluated in making the optimal interpretation of the true meaning of the
clinician’s term.

• Clinical Accuracy – The interpretation of the meaning of the original
term has to be clinically correct. In addition to the original term, other
supportive information in the CRFs (e.g. drug indication and strength) is also
used to ensure the accuracy of the mapping decision. The person performing
this task needs to be clinically trained to decipher the meaning of the
verbatim term as it relates to the preferred terms.


• Global or Project Specific – The coding decision of a term in one
specific project can be used again on other projects. It is therefore
important to keep a global perspective while making a decision. However, there
are instances where a coding decision needs to be applied specifically to
special circumstances of the project.

• Patient History – It is useful to look at the clinical history of the
patient in order to understand what led up to the current situation. This
allows the clinician to have a historic understanding and therefore make a
more accurate interpretation of the terms. However, the decision cannot be
subject specific since this needs to be applied to all subjects.

• Dictionary Update - Understanding the structure of the dictionary and
keeping up with the changes to the dictionary is critical for the success of
mapping terms.

There are many factors that affect the interpretation of a clinical term and
therefore the process becomes very complex. Besides the decision process,
there are other operational and logistical considerations. The original
clinician term can contain multiple terms so it needs to be split into
separate distinct terms. This will therefore be coded separately. There are
different versions to the dictionaries so version control becomes very
important. There are many team members involved in this effort so training and
standard operating procedures need to be established in order for the team to
work together consistently. This multi-faceted process is complex but once a
process is established, everything can work together in harmony so that terms
are coded systematically and accurately to produce efficient results.



For statistical purpose and public health control, the need for an
internationally accepted classification system was recognized at the First
International Statistical Conference in Brussels in 1853. The standardization
effort bore fruit in 1969 with the FDA’s use of the COSTART (Coding Symbols
for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reaction Terms) dictionary. For the next quarter
century, adverse event coding was dominated by WHOART (WHO Adverse Reaction
Terminology, required by EU) and COSTART (required by FDA). For regulation
purposes, in 1994 the ICH (International Conference on Harmonization) began to
standardize international medical terminology in all the phases of the
regulatory process. In 1997 the first version of MedDRA (Medical Dictionary
for Regulatory Activities) was born. The FDA recommends that adverse events
are coded in MedDRA. This dictionary was also required by EU starting in 2003.
MedDRA became commonly used to translate the Adverse Event verbatim terms into
standard terms. It has a distinctive five level hierarchy structure ranging
from System Organ Class (SOC), High Level Group Term (HLGP), High Level Term (HLT),
Preferred Term (PT), to Low Level Term (LLT). The hierarchy allows the
dictionary to accommodate both linear and multiaxial coding.


In the pharmaceutical industry, two types of dictionaries are commonly used.
One type of dictionary is used to standardize the adverse event terms while
the other type of dictionary is used to standardize the drug terms. WHO-DD
(WHO Drug Dictionary) is commonly used for the standardization of drug names.
Drug information has been entered into the dictionary since 1968. WHO-DD is
the world’s most comprehensive dictionary for medicinal product information.
It is used by pharmaceutical companies, clinical trial organizations and drug
regulatory authorities for identifying drug names, active ingredient(s),
therapeutic usage, and frequently used drugs in most major drug markets in the
world. The organization that maintains this dictionary is named UMC (Uppsala
Monitoring Centre). UMC organizes drug information by classifying them into
codes according to the Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical classification (ATC).
This allows for grouping of drugs in different ways for useful analysis. The
information is also classified according to the main therapeutic use of the
main active ingredient on the basic principle of only one ATC code for each
pharmaceutical formulation.


Usually dictionaries are provided in modules (files) stored in ASCII format.
This provides flexibility for putting together dictionaries based on specific
needs of different organizations. The modules usually can be downloaded
through the internet with license. For example, in our case, we construct an
in-house SAS based WHO-DD by downloading these modules and importing these
ASCII data into a SAS based database. The construction diagram for the WHO-DD
type C is shown below.


Medicinal Product (MP) module provides the main part of the WHO-DD. The
generic drug name is provided in this module. Therapeutic Group (THG) module
provides a bridge to link the MP module with the ATC module. The common field
called ATC code from THG and ATC is first used to join these two modules
together so that the ATC classification information such as ATC level and ATC
text can be obtained. And then the common field of Medicinalprod_Id from both
MP and THG is used to bring the MP information in to form our dictionary
database. There are other modules which are provided by WHO-DD, such as
Pharmaceutical Product (PP), Ingredient (ING), and Substance (SUN). The main
modules include MP, PP, THG, and ING. Other additional modules are available
as subsidiary files. Depending on the company’s pharmaceutical interest,
these modules can be used accordingly.

Once we decide which modules are needed for the dictionary, these modules
(files) need to be converted into SAS data set. Using SAS data steps with
INFILE statement we can easily accomplish this task. The sample below shows
the SAS code which converts the MP module into a SAS data set giving the name
as MPpart.

filename mp "\\sample\path\mp.txt";

*** Get the data from medicinal product (MP)***;

data MPpart;

infile mp m issover pad;

label med_id="Medicinal Product ID" drgnum="Drug record

seqnum1="Sequence number 1" seqnum2="Sequence number 2"

generic="Generic" drugname="Drug name" sourcode =
"Source code";

input @1 med_id 6. @7 drgnum 6. @13 seqnum1 2.

@15 seqnum2 3. @18 generic $1.

@19 drugname $80. @144 sourcode $3. ;


After the conversion of all these required modules into SAS data set, the
dictionary can be established by following a structure such as the above
diagram. The converted SAS data set (modules) can be joined by the prescribed
key fields from the diagram. The join of the modules might be a one to one
relationship or it can be a one to many or even a many to many relationship.
It is therefore important to gain a good understanding of the structure in
order to perform the join correctly. In the following example, a one to many
relationship join is performed:

data THG_ATC;

merge thg atc;

by atccode;


*** med_id is the rename of Medicinal Product ID ***;


merge THG_ATC mp;

by med_id;




After the SAS based customized dictionary is established, the mapping can be
preformed. There is a series of steps that needs to be performed in order to
have your verbatim adverse events or drug names coded to the synonymous
preferred terms. This section will describe the methodologies used to
effectively manage thesaurus dictionaries and code the verbatim terms.


Before individual terms can be coded, thesaurus dictionaries need to be
organized and managed. You would need to first identify and classify the types
of dictionaries. The types of classifications for dictionaries include:

• Dictionary Class - Example classifications of dictionaries include WHO
Drug, MedDRA or Costart. This describes the content of the terms pertaining to
drug or adverse event names and how it is related to an "external"
dictionary. The word "external" in this case means a level of
dictionary which will be described in more detail in the next section.

• Level – A dictionary can be globally applied to all studies or it can be
used specifically for a certain study. It can therefore be distinguished as
either "global" or "project specific". These two types of
dictionary levels pertain to terms managed internal to your organization. This
is different from the dictionaries that are managed by an "external"
organization such as MSSO who manages MedDRA. These external dictionaries are
updated regularly by an external vendor and are managed differently from
internal project specific or global level dictionaries.

• Attribute – Administrative attributes or metadata that describe the
dictionaries are also essential in managing dictionaries. This includes values
such as a unique name, physical location where associated dictionary files are
located, and data sets name that stores the dictionary.

The classification information mentioned above needs to be managed in a way
which allow users to register new dictionaries in the event that a new version
of the dictionary is made available. Modifications to existing information are
also necessary in the event that the underlying metadata is changed. The
deletion of an existing dictionary can also be applied. Note that this does
not necessarily mean that you are deleting the underlying data sets which
store the content of the dictionary, but rather just removing the registered
information or metadata. External dictionaries are managed by the vendor but
internal dictionaries such as global or project specific need the capabilities
of having old terms retired. This means that when a specific coding decision
based on a term in the dictionary is no longer valid, it can be removed from
the dictionary by a designated administrator. These are some of the tasks that
are necessary in managing thesaurus dictionaries in order to optimize the
performance of coding terms.


Once all the dictionaries are managed, you can merge the verbatim terms from
the source data, which usually comes from the Case Report Form, against the
dictionaries to determine if there are any matches. This is referred to as
auto coding since it automates the comparison between source data and
dictionaries. It will then produce reports detailing those terms that matched
along with those that did not match. An example report below displays the
results of an auto coding process by showing how some terms from the source
data matched and some terms did not match. The results can be easily navigated
through a series of colored tabs. The list of unmatched terms will determine
how much manual coding you will have to do.


The auto coding can be performed against multiple dictionaries before a match
is found. For example, it will start by merging the source data against the
external dictionary such as MedDRA. If no match is found for a particular
term, it would then continue to merge against the global dictionary and then
the project specific dictionary in order to f ind the best match. The order in
which the merge is performed is established in a "session" before
the auto code is performed. Some of the information captured in a session

• Name – This is a unique name that distinguishes one session from another
in the same study.

• Source Dictionaries – This lists all the dictionaries that will be used
to merge the source data against the dictionaries in order to f ind a match.
Note that there can be multiple dictionaries at different levels. The order is
significant in that if a match is found in a dictionary listed first, it will
not continue to search through the subsequent dictionaries to f ind a match.

• Destination Dictionaries – This is a dictionary that is populated with
terms made by the user. It is a knowledge base that you build so that the next
time an auto code is performed, this growing knowledge base stored in the
destination dictionary would have more matches.

• Data Attributes – This contains information such as where the data is
located and what column name in the specific data set which corresponds to
terms such as drug name or verbatim adverse events.

After you have prepared the loading of the external dictionaries, you need to
check how many verbatim terms from your source data match with the dictionary.
If you are starting out for the first time, most likely, the matching results
are small. There are strategies for increasing the matches so it will save you
time from performing manual coding. These include:

Auto Coding Strategies


Internal Dictionaries

Creating an internal dictionary is complementary to an external dictionary.
This will keep track of any matches you may perform manually so that future
auto code will use this knowledge base to match.
auto code will use this knowledge base to match.

Order Internal Dictionaries

You may establish multiple internal dictionaries. This can distinguish coding
at the global or project specific level. It will increase the accuracy of your
matching for the project that you are working on. You would then order the
priority in your auto code process where it may try to match up project
specific coding and then if it does not f ind a match, it goes to the global

Email Results

To facilitate the efficiency of the auto code process, you can have this
emailed to the entire team with the results for review.


If you know that your source data will be updated on a regular basis, you can
schedule this process so that it will perform this auto code processing upon
these updates.

There is a series of steps that can be applied to perform an auto code. Some
of these processing procedures are applied during setup while others can be
done repeatedly upon each auto code request.

SETUP MAPPING SESSION – Before performing an auto code, you would need to
determine where the source data is located and which dictionary to apply the
auto code to. This information is referred to as a "Mapping auto code to. This information is referred to as a "Mapping


In this example, the source dictionary can be the same as the destination
dictionary. This is an example of the knowledge base that you are building.
The more terms that you add to the destination dictionary, the more
"knowledge" will be applied to the merge for the next merge. This
means the more terms you build in your dictionary, the smarter the auto code
process will be.

The process for WHO Drug and MedDRA is very similar in this case. The key
information includes:

1. Mapping Name – This is a label that is used as a unique identifier that
you can refer to. It can contain a similar name to the study or some

2. Source Dictionaries – This is a list of dictionaries used during the
matching. The order is critical since this is the order in which it will try
to f ind a match.

3. Source Data- This includes all the attributes pertaining to the source
variables. It will specify the "verbatim" variable. In the WHO Drug
case, it will be the variable pertaining to the drug name while the MedDRA
case is referring to the adverse event verbatim variable. The other
distinction is that the WHO Drug can also have an indication and route
variable. If these variables are available, the matching decision will be
applied by these variables.

PREPARE EMAIL – The results of the auto code are delivered to the requestor
among other users within the team. You can therefore decide whom to send the
results to in very much the same way an email is composed.

AUTOCODING OPTIONS – You can optimize and automate the auto coding session
by having the process scheduled to be repeated at specified times. You can
also have it skip sending out emails to the team if it encounters errors but
it will always send the results to the requestor. For optimal performance, the
process can be performed on a separate machine that is not busy.


In the above processing, only SETUP MAPPING SESSION procedure has to be done
once. Once that has been established for your study, you can re-apply the
subsequent procedures without having to repeat the initial steps. It is
recommended that you incorporate processing procedures similar to these into
your training and SOP so that your team will perform auto coding in a
consistent manner.

The auto coding process will utilize all the information established in the
mapping session in order to perform the merges to f ind matches. This process
can be performed on demand by the user or it can be scheduled so that if the
source data is periodically updated, an auto code will generate the most up to
date report informing you of all the matches. The report can also be emailed
to the user upon completion since these tasks may be performed asynchronously
to the user’s request.


The auto coding process will attempt to match the verbatim terms against all
the specified dictionaries that have been established for that session.
However, a subject can record unique adverse event terms or have drug names
that are unexpected and therefore will not match. In this case, manual coding
needs to be performed in order for the user to evaluate the term and f ind a
match against one of the preferred terms in the dictionary. The basic steps in
manual coding include:

1. Searching – Similar to a Google search, the user can type text criteria
to search through all specified dictionaries to f ind a match for the unmatched
terms. There can be optimization algorithms which capture texts that are
similar in the English language so even if it is not an exact match, it can
show up in the result. This is similar to when Google suggests a "Did you
mean:" followed by the text that is close to the text which the user

2. Entering Notes – The user can enter a short message documenting how this
decision was made. This adds context and meaning to the coding decision so
that if it were to be reviewed, the reviewer would understand the thought
process that went into this decision.

3. Coding Type – A manual coding decision can be of type final or tentative.
If the user is confident about the decision, it can be assigned to be final.
In this case, the verbatim term matching up with the preferred term will go
directly to the destination dictionary to build a larger knowledge base.
However, if the user is unsure of the coding decision, it can be applied as a
tentative coding type. In this scenario, all the information collected for
this decision is placed into a holding area for another reviewer to confirm
before it will be placed into the destination dictionary.

Associated information relating to a drug coding decision such as in the
example of WHO Drug can be different as compared to MedDRA. In WHO Drug for
example, there are other considerations such as indication of the drug, route
and other drug information such as International Generic Name (INN), US
Generic Name (USAN) and associated ATC Code. On the other hand, in the manual
coding process for MedDRA, the user would need to evaluate the hierarchical
information of the term including SOC, HGLT, HLT, PT and LLT. The content and
information stored in each dictionary is different. It will therefore affect
the decision process during manual coding. In general, however, the basic
steps of searching for a matching term and then making a final decision are
the same for all manual coding processes.

The coding decision made for each term is intended to be used for other
situations that contain the same term. That is to say that a particular
adverse event for example which is matched up with a preferred term can later
be used for a different subject in a different study. The goal is to make the
coding decision work universally for all situations. There are instances,
however, that by just looking at a single term does not give the user enough
information to make that determination. A common report can therefore be
generated, referred to as a "patient report", which will list the
history of that particular patient containing that term. This historic view
will show all the verbatim terms in chronological order along with the others
for that patient. The user will then be able to see that verbatim adverse
event or series of drug use in the context of the patient’s history. This
context will give more information and help the user understand the meaning of
that term. Once the user grasps this understanding, the decision being made
still needs to be applied universally. It is still useful to see a complete
report of an individual patient to understand the meaning before deciding on a
universal coding decision.

Another special situation that arises during manual coding is the splitting of
the verbatim terms. There are instances where the verbatim adverse event or
drug name is actually multiple adverse events or multiple drug names. In this
case, the terms needs to be split into separate instances and coded
separately. Commonly, this term is sent back to the operational database which
originally captured the CRF data. However, this process can be time consuming
and prohibits the ability to perform coding efficiently. It is therefore
useful to have the ability to split the verbatim terms and then code each
individual term within the manual coding step. The original term is kept for individual term within the manual coding step. The original term is kept for
audit historical records. However, the manual coding decision will then be
made upon the multiple new split terms.


During manual coding, you can search through the dictionaries to f ind the
matching preferred terms. The search can be applied in a similar way to how
the Google search engine is applied. This is reliant upon key words entered by
the user used with a matching algorithm to similar words in the English
language. Using this searching methodology is therefore the easiest and most
powerful way of getting the information needed to apply your coding decision.

In this example search, the key word "abnorm" is used as search
criteria. This key word can appear anywhere inside the term. The word does not
have to be exactly the same but have a close match. This elevates m isspelling
while still capturing accurate results. The goal is to apply a search that
best matches the meaning of the user’s intent.


All previous steps have been applied in preparation for the final step of
creating a data set that contains all mapped terms. This is the step that
takes all the decisions made during manual coding and then merges all the
dictionaries to derive a final data set that contains the preferred terms
along with other supporting information. This step is referred to as "mapex"
because it will create a new data set with the same name as the old one, but
with an additional letter "x" added to it. For example, if the data
was named AE, the new created mapped data would be AEX. The tasks involved in
this step include:

1. Merging – This will merge the source data against all the dictionaries
defined in the session. It is similar to the manual coding search in that it
will merge the source data against the dictionaries to acquire the matching
preferred terms. Once all the merges are complete, it will create the new data
set with the preferred terms along with the verbatim terms in one data set.

2. Supporting Variables – In the MedDRA case, it will include the hierarchy
name and coded values such as SOC, HLT and LLT. On the other hand, for WHO
Drug, it will contain all variables from the dictionary such as INN and USAN.
If the term has been split, it will contain the original term and the term
that has been split.

3. New Data – It will then create a new data set with a new name which is
the same name as the old data set with the letter "x" added to the
name. To help distinguish MedDRA coding, it will include "mx" to the
data set.


4. Optional Tasks – The new data needs to be delivered to the intended user.
The new data set is created in the same location as the source data set.
Optionally, it can also be compressed into a file using ZIP and emailed to a
specified recipient. An additional password protection can also be added for
security upon this compressed file. This can also be scheduled so the mapex
process can be performed on a periodic basis upon data updates.


The previous steps 1 through 4 are usually performed in that specified order.
This last step can be performed at any moment. The user needs to perform a
review of the mapping process through reports. Some of the common reporting
needs include:

• Tentative Mapped Terms – If the user has made a decision during manual
coding but is not sure of that decision, it is placed into a holding area.
Another user can then review this in this report and confirm if the decision
is correct or not. Once confirmed, it can be placed into the final destination

• Unmapped Terms – During the process, there will be terms that are
completed and mapped while there may be those that do not yet have a match.
These unmapped terms are displayed in this report. It represents a list of
terms that the user must manually code. An optional report can also be
included to display the patient ID along with the unmapped terms.

• Mapping History - All decisions made including tentative or final are
recorded in an audit history. This can be reviewed in the mapping history

There are other recommended steps used to optimize the methodologies to
process the coding of terms from source data to the standardized synonyms
stored in thesaurus dictionaries. The five steps described above capture the
main tasks required to efficiently derive at the data set which contains
mapped terms.


This paper presents the clinical significance of coding decisions and how it
affects your analysis. This has an impact on your subm ission resulting in the
failure or success of a FDA filing. A historical demonstration of the
structure of the dictionary is described to provide context on how the
information is organized. The external source dictionary data is delivered as
ASCII raw files which are then loaded into a structured database for optimal
management. Each dictionary is managed to keep track of version control along
with its hierarchical levels. The user would then apply an auto code to f ind
matches and mismatched terms. For those terms that did not match, a manual
coding process is performed with the use of a powerful yet easy to use search
engine. These decisions will then be populated into a knowledge base so future
coding decisions can be applied with these same decisions. Upon completion of
all these decisions, a map between the source data and the dictionaries will
result in a final data set that contains consistent preferred terms used for
meaningful analysis. During the entire process, reports can be generated to
give you status information such as a list of terms left to be coded. The
methodologies presented in this paper demonstrate the complexity of the
process. However, the use of logical steps along with the powerful searching
approaches can simplify this into steps that are as simple as performing a
Google search.


SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered
trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries.
® indicates USA registration.

Sy/Map™, Thesaurex™ and other MXI (Meta-Xceed, Inc.) product names are
registered trademarks of Meta-Xceed, Inc. in the USA.

Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective companies.


Sy Truong is President of MXI (Meta-Xceed, Inc.) They may be contacted at:

Sy Truong

MXI, Meta-Xceed, Inc.

1751 McCarthy Blvd.

Milpitas, CA 95035

(408) 955-9333

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Because it contains innovation.Annotated CRF Service
There are innovations in the solutions.Biostatistics
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Biostatistics Consulting
Because it contains innovation.Biostatistics Service
There are innovations in the solutions.Case Report Form
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Case Report Form Design
Because it contains innovation.Case Report Form Service
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC ADAM
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC ADAM Consulting
Because it contains innovation.CDISC ADAM Service
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Compliance
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Compliance Consulting
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Compliance Service
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC SDTM
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC SDTM Consulting
Because it contains innovation.CDISC SDTM Service
There are innovations in the solutions.CFR part 11
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Clinical Data Management
Because it contains innovation.Clinical Data Management Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.Clinical Data Management Service
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CRF Design
Because it contains innovation.CRF Design Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.CRF Design Service
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CRF Tabulations
Because it contains innovation.Custom Database
There are innovations in the solutions.Custom Database Consult
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Custom Database Design
Because it contains innovation.Custom Database Service
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Analysis
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Data Management
Because it contains innovation.Data Management Service
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Warehouse
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Design Case Report Form
Because it contains innovation.Design Case Report Form Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.Design Case Report Form Service
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Design Clinical Plans
Because it contains innovation.Discrepancy Management
There are innovations in the solutions.Discrepancy Management Consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Discrepancy Management Service
Because it contains innovation.Edit Checks
There are innovations in the solutions.Edit Checks Consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Edit Checks Service
Because it contains innovation.Electronic case report
There are innovations in the solutions.Electronic submission
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Electronic Submission Consulting
Because it contains innovation.Electronic Submission Service
There are innovations in the solutions.FDA Submission
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.IND
Because it contains innovation.Medical Device
There are innovations in the solutions.Medical Writing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Ndas Prepare
Because it contains innovation.Patient Profile Consult
There are innovations in the solutions.Patient Profile Generator
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Patient Profile Service
Because it contains innovation.RFP
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Development Consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Development Service
Because it contains innovation.SAS Program Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Program Service
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Service
Because it contains innovation.SAS Service
There are innovations in the solutions.SDTM Consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SDTM Service
Because it contains innovation.SOP Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.SOP Service
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Statistical Consulting
Because it contains innovation.Statistical Service
There are innovations in the solutions.Tables Listings and Graphs
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Tables Listings and Graphs Consulting
Because it contains innovation.Tables Listings and Graphs Service
There are innovations in the solutions.TLG Consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.TLG Service
Because it contains innovation.ADaM Solutions
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Software Solutions
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Software Tools
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Solutions
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SDTM Solutions
Because it contains innovation.MedDRA Coding
There are innovations in the solutions.MedDRA Coding Service
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.MedDRA Service
Because it contains innovation.Thesaurus Dictionary Management
There are innovations in the solutions.WHO Drug Coding
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.WHO Drug Coding Service
Because it contains innovation.WHO Drug Service
There are innovations in the solutions.Sydata
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Sy/Data
Because it contains innovation.SAS Data Audit Trail
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Audit Trail
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Data Version
Because it contains innovation.Data Generation
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Standards
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Format Summary
Because it contains innovation.SAS Format Summary
There are innovations in the solutions.Variable Order
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Order Variable
Because it contains innovation.SAS Data Conversion
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Data Tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Data Software
Because it contains innovation.SAS Benchmark
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Performance
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Performance Benchmark
Because it contains innovation.SAS Performance Test
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Software Benchmark
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS System Benchmark
Because it contains innovation.Data Bulletin
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Bulletin Board
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Data Communication
Because it contains innovation.Data View
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Viewer
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Electronic Notes
Because it contains innovation.Enotes
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Data View
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Data Viewer
Because it contains innovation.SAS Dataset View
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Dataset Viewer
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Syview
Because it contains innovation.View SAS without lock
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Coded Terminology
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Control Terminology
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Controlled Terminology
There are innovations in the solutions.Coded Terminology
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Coded Terminology Management
Because it contains innovation.Coded Terminology Software
There are innovations in the solutions.Coded Terms
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Coded Terms Software
Because it contains innovation.Coding Methodologies
There are innovations in the solutions.Control Terminology
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Control Terminology Management
Because it contains innovation.Control Terminology Software
There are innovations in the solutions.Controlled Terminology
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Controlled Terminology Management
Because it contains innovation.Controlled Terminology Software
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Format
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Format Management
Because it contains innovation.Adverse Event Coding Management
There are innovations in the solutions.Coding Management
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CRO Coding Management
Because it contains innovation.CRO Management
There are innovations in the solutions.Dictionary Management
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Dictionary Version Control
Because it contains innovation.MedDRA Coding Reconciliation
There are innovations in the solutions.Thesaurus Management
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Thesaurus Version Control
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Class
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Course
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Implementation Class
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Implementation Training
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SDTM Class
Because it contains innovation.SDTM Course
There are innovations in the solutions.Change Control Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Change Control Class
Because it contains innovation.SAS Change Control Training
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Macro Change Control Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Program Change Control Class
Because it contains innovation.SAS Program Change Control Training
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Definition Class
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Data Definition Training
Because it contains innovation.DEFINE .XML Training
There are innovations in the solutions.DEFINE.PDF Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Domain Documentation Class
Because it contains innovation.Domain Documentation Training
There are innovations in the solutions.Programming Macro Class
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Programming Macro Training
Because it contains innovation.SAS Macro Class
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Macro Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.User Friendly SAS Macro Course
Because it contains innovation.User Friendly SAS Macro Training
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Program Validation Class
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Program Validation Training
Because it contains innovation.SAS System Validation Class
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS System Validation Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Validation Class
Because it contains innovation.SAS Validation Training
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Excel Course
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Excel Training
Because it contains innovation.SAS MSOffice Course
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS MSOffice Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS MSWord Course
Because it contains innovation.SAS MSWord Training
There are innovations in the solutions.AE Coding Class
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.AE Coding Training
Because it contains innovation.Drug Coding Class
There are innovations in the solutions.Drug Coding Training
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.MedDRA Class
Because it contains innovation.MedDRA Training
There are innovations in the solutions.WHO Drug Class
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.WHO Drug Training
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Data conversion
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Data transfer
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC ETL
Because it contains innovation.CDISC ETL Software
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC ETL Tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Transformation
Because it contains innovation.Data conversion
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Standards Transformation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Data Transformation
Because it contains innovation.ETL CDISC
There are innovations in the solutions.ETL CDISC Software
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.ETL CDISC Tools
Because it contains innovation.ETL Software
There are innovations in the solutions.ETL Tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.ISS Transformation
Because it contains innovation.Transform Data
There are innovations in the solutions.Transformation Data
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Generate Reports from CDISC Data
Because it contains innovation.Optimize Report Generation from CDISC Standards
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Macro Library
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Standard SAS Reports
Because it contains innovation.PharmaSUG 2005 Blog
There are innovations in the solutions.Clinical Analytic Software Solutions
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Alliance Partner
Because it contains innovation.SAS Biotech Pharmaceutical Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS CFR Part 11 Compliance
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Consulting
Because it contains innovation.SAS Software Development
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Comments
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Data Standards
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Standards
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Transport
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Variable Length
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC XPT
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.RELREC
Because it contains innovation.SAS Data Audit
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Data Conversion Utility
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Data Integrity
Because it contains innovation.SAS Data Quality
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Data Standards
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Data Transfer Utility
Because it contains innovation.SAS Data Versioning
There are innovations in the solutions.SUPPQUAL
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Builder
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Checker
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Data compliant
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Parser
Because it contains innovation.CDISC SAS Data
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC SAS data standards
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC SAS program standards
Because it contains innovation.CDISC SDTM Check
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC SDTM Verification
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Software
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Tools
There are innovations in the solutions.SDTM CDISC
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Annotated CRF
Because it contains innovation.Annotated CRF Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.Auto Define.pdf
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Automate Define
Because it contains innovation.Automate DEFINE.PDF
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Definition Consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Data Definition Service
Because it contains innovation.Define Documentation Consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.Define Documentation Service
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Define.pdf consulting
Because it contains innovation.Define.pdf service
There are innovations in the solutions.Define.xml consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Define.xml service
Because it contains innovation.Domain Documentation
There are innovations in the solutions.Easy Define.pdf
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Quick Define.pdf
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Domain Documentation
There are innovations in the solutions.DEFINE PDF
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.DEFINE XML
Because it contains innovation.DEFINE.PDF
There are innovations in the solutions.DEFINE.XML
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CFR Part 11 Compliance
Because it contains innovation.SAS Alliance Partner
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Software Development
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.ADaM Conversion
Because it contains innovation.ADaM Service
There are innovations in the solutions.ADaM Transformation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Compliance and Data Integrity Service
Because it contains innovation.CDISC Consult
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.CDISC Services
Because it contains innovation.Electronic Submission Documentation
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Alliance Partner
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS System Validation
Because it contains innovation.SAS Validation
There are innovations in the solutions.SDTM Conversion
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SDTM Service
Because it contains innovation.SDTM Transformation
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Analysis Tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Batch Submit
Because it contains innovation.SAS Log Evaluation
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Output TOC
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Page X of Y Tool
Because it contains innovation.SAS Report Standards
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Reporting Tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Table of Contents SAS Output
Because it contains innovation.First Page SAS Output
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Code Development
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Development Environment
Because it contains innovation.SAS Log Runtime
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Macros Management
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Output Management
Because it contains innovation.SAS Output TOC
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Program Search and Replace Tool
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Adverse Event Auto Coder
Because it contains innovation.Adverse Event Autocoder
There are innovations in the solutions.Adverse Event Data Coding
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Adverse Event Data Mapping
Because it contains innovation.AE Auto Coder
There are innovations in the solutions.AE Autocoder
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.AE Coding
Because it contains innovation.AE Data Coding
There are innovations in the solutions.AE Data Mapping
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Auto Code
Because it contains innovation.Costart Auto Coder
There are innovations in the solutions.Costart Autocoder
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Costart Coder
Because it contains innovation.Costart Coding
There are innovations in the solutions.MedDRA Coding
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.MedDRA Auto Coder
Because it contains innovation.MedDRA autocoder
There are innovations in the solutions.MedDRA autoencoder
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.MedDRA Coder
Because it contains innovation.MedDRA encoder
There are innovations in the solutions.Thin Client Coder
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Web Based Coder
Because it contains innovation.Who Drug Auto Coder
There are innovations in the solutions.Who Drug Autocoder
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Who Drug Coder
Because it contains innovation.Who Drug coding
There are innovations in the solutions.Clinical Trials Reporting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Enterprise Reporting
Because it contains innovation.Report Management
There are innovations in the solutions.Report Standards
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Reporting Tools
Because it contains innovation.SAS Clinical Information Management
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Data Standards
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS ESUB FDA Submission
Because it contains innovation.SAS Web-based Clinical Information
There are innovations in the solutions.Scheduling of SAS Jobs
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Tables Listings Graphs
Because it contains innovation.Thin Client Reporting
There are innovations in the solutions.TLG
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Web Based Reporting
Because it contains innovation.SAS Program Audit Trail
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Program CFR Part 11 Compliant
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Program Change Control
Because it contains innovation.SAS Program Validate
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Program Validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Program Verification
Because it contains innovation.SAS Program Version Control
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Program Versioning
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Validation
Because it contains innovation.Audit Trail
There are innovations in the solutions.Change Control
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Document Change Management
Because it contains innovation.Document Management
There are innovations in the solutions.Excel Audit Trail
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Excel Change Control
Because it contains innovation.MSWord Audit Trail
There are innovations in the solutions.MSWord Change Control
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.PDF Audit Trail
Because it contains innovation.PDF Change Control
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Audit Trail
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.SAS Program Documentation
Because it contains innovation.SAS Program Management
There are innovations in the solutions.SAS Program Version
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Validation SAS
Because it contains innovation.Validation SAS Programs
There are innovations in the solutions.Verification Software
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Version SAS Program
Because it contains innovation.Validate SAS
There are innovations in the solutions.Validate SAS Programs
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Verify SAS Program
Because it contains innovation.Version Control
There are innovations in the solutions.CDISC Data Transformation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Data Pivot
Because it contains innovation.Data Transpose
There are innovations in the solutions.Data Transposition
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.Integrated Safety Summary
Because it contains innovation.ISS
There are innovations in the solutions.PROC Transpose
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc sdtm
Because it contains innovation.cdisc odm
There are innovations in the solutions.proc cdisc
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc ount
Because it contains innovation.cdisc standards
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc adam
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc org
Because it contains innovation.www cdisc
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc standard
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.what is cdisc
Because it contains innovation.cdisc training
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc lab
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.fda cdisc
Because it contains innovation.cdisc??
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc xml
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc hl7
Because it contains innovation.cdisc interchange
There are innovations in the solutions.stdm???
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.stdm??
Because it contains innovation.cdisc stdm
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc japan
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.www cdisc org
Because it contains innovation.cdisc send
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc clinical
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc mapping
Because it contains innovation.cdisc data
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc pdf
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc glossary
Because it contains innovation.cdisc 2007
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc implementation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc format
Because it contains innovation.cdisc domain
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc viewer
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc submission
Because it contains innovation.cdisc define xml
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc crf
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc define
Because it contains innovation.cdisc ppt
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc cdash
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc sds
Because it contains innovation.clinical data interchange standards consortium cdisc
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc compliant
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc sdtm implementation guide
Because it contains innovation.cdisc bridg
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc conference
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc sdtm implementation
Because it contains innovation.cdisc international interchange
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc domains
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc software
Because it contains innovation.cdisc metadata
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc user group
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc montreux
Because it contains innovation.cdisc 3.1
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc example
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc version
Because it contains innovation.cdisc tutorial
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc??
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc protocol
Because it contains innovation.cdisc certification
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc model
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc odm 1.2
Because it contains innovation.cdisc clinical trials
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc??
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc models
Because it contains innovation.cdisc wiki
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc??
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc european interchange
Because it contains innovation.implementing cdisc
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc guidelines
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc presentation
Because it contains innovation.cdisc clinical data
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc clinical research
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc definition
Because it contains innovation.cdisc terminology
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc sdtm 3.1
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc variable
Because it contains innovation.cdisc international
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc study data tabulation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define xml schema
Because it contains to define xml
There are innovations in the solutions.define xml namespace
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define xml file
Because it contains to define xml schema
There are innovations in the solutions.define xml document
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define xml parser
Because it contains innovation.cdisc define xml
There are innovations in the solutions.define xml element
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define xml entity
Because it contains innovation.define xml data
There are innovations in the solutions.define xml node
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define xml entities
Because it contains innovation.define xml dtd
There are innovations in the solutions.define xml rpc
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define xml files
Because it contains innovation.define xml attribute
There are innovations in the solutions.define xml format
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define xml tag
Because it contains innovation.define xml feed
There are innovations in the solutions.cdisc sdtm
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm maroc
Because it contains innovation.sdtm card
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm memory
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm memory card
Because it contains innovation.sdtm implementation guide
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm 620
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.groupe sdtm
Because it contains innovation.sdtm speicherkarte
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm ma
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm mapping
Because it contains innovation.sdtm implementation
There are innovations in the solutions.odm sdtm
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cdisc sdtm implementation guide
Because it contains innovation.sdtm adam
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm transport
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.www sdtm
Because it contains innovation.sdtm 3.1
There are innovations in the solutions.what is sdtm
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm fda
Because it contains innovation.cdisc sdtm implementation
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm au maroc
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm 610
Because it contains innovation.sdtm rabat
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm casablanca
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.www sdtm ma
Because it contains innovation.sdtm 3.1 1
There are innovations in the solutions.micro sdtm memory
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm ci
Because it contains innovation.sdtm com
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm 620 ntr
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm domains
Because it contains innovation.sdtm standard
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm karte
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.micro sdtm card
Because it contains innovation.sdtm tanger
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm format
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm training
Because it contains innovation.sdtm data
There are innovations in the solutions.micro sdtm memoria esterna
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm model
Because it contains data tabulation model sdtm
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm it
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm standards
Because it contains innovation.micro sdtm external memory
There are innovations in the solutions.www sdtm com
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.memoria micro sdtm
Because it contains innovation.sdtm 3.1 2
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm ig
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sdtm domain
Because it contains innovation.cdisc sdtm 3.1
There are innovations in the solutions.sdtm 650
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sass consulting
Because it contains innovation.sass consult
There are innovations in the solutions.sass unternehmensberatung
The phamaceutical industry needs this consulting
Because it contains consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.cognos consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.gruppo consulting
Because it contains innovation.olap consulting
There are innovations in the consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.consorzio consulting
Because it contains innovation.spss consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.snc consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.brio consulting
Because it contains innovation.via consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.microstrategy consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.aziende consulting
Because it contains consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.dashboard consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this consulting
Because it contains innovation.statistics consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.entreprise consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.milano consulting
Because it contains innovation.azienda consulting
There are innovations in the software
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.statistic consulting
Because it contains innovation.genova consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.essbase consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.crm consulting
Because it contains consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.scandinavian consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.job consulting
Because it contains innovation.statistical consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.entreprises consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.bologna consulting
Because it contains innovation.società consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.model consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this jobs
Because it contains consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.analysis consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.italia consulting
Because it contains innovation.informatica consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.performance consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.société consulting
Because it contains innovation.audit consulting
There are innovations in the consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.experience consulting
Because it contains innovation.groupe consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.strategy consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.corporate consulting
Because it contains innovation.accounting consulting
There are innovations in the solutions.torino consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this consulting
Because it contains innovation.programmer consulting
There are innovations in the consulting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.developer consulting
Because it contains validation
There are innovations in the solutions.logistic regression validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.spss validation
Because it contains innovation.statistics validation
There are innovations in the solutions.regression validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.statistical validation
Because it contains innovation.bootstrap validation
There are innovations in the solutions.model validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.validation analysis
Because it contains innovation.statistic validation
There are innovations in the solutions.validation testing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.survey validation
Because it contains innovation.results validation
There are innovations in the solutions.robust validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.method validation
Because it contains innovation.correlation validation
There are innovations in the solutions.validation methods
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.selection validation
Because it contains innovation.dependent validation
There are innovations in the solutions.sample size validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.graph validation
Because it contains innovation.output validation
There are innovations in the solutions.estimate validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.models validation
Because it contains innovation.logistic validation
There are innovations in the solutions.r validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.prediction validation
Because it contains innovation.tests validation
There are innovations in the solutions.simple validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.independent validation
Because it contains innovation.formula validation
There are innovations in the solutions.distribution validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.procedure validation
Because it contains innovation.validation value
There are innovations in the solutions.variable validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.modeling validation
Because it contains innovation.multiple validation
There are innovations in the solutions.comparison validation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra coding
Because it contains innovation.meddra j
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra code
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra dictionary
Because it contains innovation.meddra soc
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra msso
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra version
Because it contains innovation.meddra codes
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra browser
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra pt
Because it contains innovation.meddra terminology
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra smq
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra training
Because it contains innovation.meddra llt
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra preferred term
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra terms
Because it contains innovation.meddra system organ class
There are innovations in the solutions.jmo meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra points to consider
Because it contains innovation.meddra term
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra 10.0
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra??
Because it contains innovation.meddra classification
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra frequency
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra??
Because it contains innovation.meddra frequency convention
There are innovations in the solutions.what is meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra nos
Because it contains innovation.meddra 10
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra?????
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra system
Because it contains innovation.meddra medical
There are innovations in the solutions.ich meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra term selection
Because it contains innovation.meddra??
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra introductory guide
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra frequency convention and system organ class database
Because it contains innovation.meddra version 10.0
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra download
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.ctcae meddra
Because it contains innovation.meddra version 10
There are innovations in the solutions.medical dictionary for regulatory activities meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra coder
Because it contains innovation.meddra preferred terms
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra body system
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra who
Because it contains innovation.meddra???
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra data
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra nec
Because it contains innovation.codage meddra
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra??????
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra database
Because it contains innovation.meddra hierarchy
There are innovations in the solutions.standardised meddra queries
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra hlgt
Because it contains innovation.meddra whodrug
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra???
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra hlt
Because it contains innovation.costart meddra
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra coding dictionary
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra definition
Because it contains innovation.meddra coding training
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra license
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.dictionnaire meddra
Because it contains innovation.????meddra
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra coding jobs
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.standardized meddra queries
Because it contains innovation.snomed meddra
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra adverse event
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra medical dictionary
Because it contains innovation.meddra versions
There are innovations in the solutions.emea meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra query
Because it contains innovation.meddra????
There are innovations in the solutions.fda meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra who drug
Because it contains innovation.meddra???
There are innovations in the solutions.using meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra llt pt
Because it contains innovation.meddra organ
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra??
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra and who
Because it contains innovation.meddra system organ
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra??
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.???meddra
Because it contains innovation.medra
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra mapping
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.meddra high level
Because it contains innovation.meddra queries
There are innovations in the solutions.meddra points
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who drug dictionary
Because it contains innovation.who drug information
There are innovations in the solutions.who drugs
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who essential drug list
Because it contains innovation.who essential drug
There are innovations in the solutions.who drug test
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who collaborating centre for drug statistics methodology
Because it contains innovation.who drug coding
There are innovations in the solutions.who collaborating centre for drug statistics
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who essential drugs list
Because it contains innovation.who drug list
There are innovations in the solutions.who list of essential drugs
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who drug code
Because it contains drugs who
There are innovations in the solutions.molecular properties of who essential drugs
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who drug use
Because it contains innovation.who drug atc
There are innovations in the solutions.who definition of drug
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who drug resistance
Because it contains innovation.who drug reference list
There are innovations in the solutions.who drug safety
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who drug definition
Because it contains innovation.who drug classification
There are innovations in the solutions.who drug version
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who drug reference
Because it contains innovation.who drug codes
There are innovations in the solutions.who drug monitoring
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.who drug dictionary enhanced
Because it contains innovation.umc who drug
There are innovations in the transformation
The phamaceutical industry needs this transformation service
Because it contains transformation services
There are innovations in the transformation tool
The phamaceutical industry needs this transformations
Because it contains transformation services dts
There are innovations in the solutions.transformation of data
The phamaceutical industry needs this transformation project
Because it contains innovation.etl
There are innovations in the solutions.informatica etl
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.etl tools
Because it contains innovation.etl tool
There are innovations in the solutions.etl software
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.etl process
Because it contains innovation.etl data
There are innovations in the solutions.etl solution
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.etl solutions
Because it contains innovation.what is etl
There are innovations in the standard
The phamaceutical industry needs this standards
Because it contains center standards
There are innovations in the solutions.transpose data
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.proc transpose data
Because it contains to transpose data
There are innovations in the solutions.sql transpose data
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.transpose data in sql
Because it contains innovation.r transpose data
There are innovations in the solutions.r transpose data frame
The phamaceutical industry needs this manipulation
Because it contains innovation.definition of data
There are innovations in the definition language
The phamaceutical industry needs this manipulation language
Because it contains mining definition
There are innovations in the warehouse definition
The phamaceutical industry needs this type definition
Because it contains model definition
There are innovations in the definition has no type or storage class
The phamaceutical industry needs this documentation
Because it contains innovation.document contains no data
There are innovations in the solutions.document data
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.document and data control
Because it contains innovation.xml data document
There are innovations in the solutions.dummy document data
The phamaceutical industry needs this documentation initiative
Because it contains innovation.define.pdf
There are innovations in the solutions.define pdf
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.define pdf file
Because it contains innovation.define pdf files
There are innovations in the solutions.define pdf format
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.change control
Because it contains innovation.change control software
There are innovations in the solutions.change control process
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.version control
Because it contains innovation.version control system
There are innovations in the solutions.version control software
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.change in control
Because it contains innovation.document version control
There are innovations in the solutions.change control board
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.version control agent
Because it contains innovation.version control
There are innovations in the solutions.version control system
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.version control software
Because it contains innovation.document version control
There are innovations in the solutions.version control tool
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.version control systems
Because it contains innovation.version control tools
There are innovations in the solutions.revision control
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.revision control system
Because it contains innovation.version control with subversion
There are innovations in the solutions.program version control
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.version control software
Because it contains innovation.revision control software
There are innovations in the solutions.document version control software
The phamaceutical industry needs this version control software
Because it contains innovation.source version control software
There are innovations in the solutions.version control in software
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.subversion version control software
Because it contains version control system
There are innovations in the development version control
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.document manager
Because it contains innovation.document managment
There are innovations in the solutions.change control document
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.document version control
Because it contains innovation.document version control software
There are innovations in the solutions.version control documents
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.change control documents
Because it contains innovation.word document version control
There are innovations in the solutions.document version control system
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.version control of documents
Because it contains innovation.version control for documents
There are innovations in the solutions.costart
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.costart dictionary
Because it contains innovation.costart coding
There are innovations in the solutions.costart meddra
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.costart group
Because it contains innovation.costart term
There are innovations in the solutions.costart terms
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.costart program
Because it contains innovation.miro costart
There are innovations in the solutions.costart fda
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.adverse event coding
Because it contains innovation.coding adverse events
There are innovations in the solutions.coding of adverse events
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.adverse event code
Because it contains innovation.grid computing
There are innovations in the solutions.what is grid computing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.grid computing projects
Because it contains grid
There are innovations in the solutions.grid computing pdf
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.grid computing software
Because it contains innovation.journal of grid computing
There are innovations in the solutions.grid computing ppt
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.introduction to grid computing
Because it contains grid computing
There are innovations in the solutions.spss processing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cics processing
Because it contains innovation.syntax processing
There are innovations in the solutions.mainframe processing
The phamaceutical industry needs this processing
Because it contains innovation.merge processing
There are innovations in the solutions.macro processing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.column processing
Because it contains innovation.statement processing
There are innovations in the solutions.sort processing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.batch command line
Because it contains innovation.batch commands
There are innovations in the solutions.batch cics
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.batch linux
Because it contains innovation.batch unix
There are innovations in the solutions.batch variable
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.batch syntax
Because it contains innovation.batch ftp
There are innovations in the solutions.process manufacturing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.batch programming
Because it contains innovation.export how to
There are innovations in the solutions.sql data export
The phamaceutical industry needs this variable
Because it contains innovation.import export
There are innovations in the solutions.xml data export
The phamaceutical industry needs this variables
Because it contains file
There are innovations in the solutions.csv export
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.statistics data
Because it contains models
There are innovations in the solutions.logistic regression data
The phamaceutical industry needs this variance
Because it contains innovation.statistic data
There are innovations in the analysis
The phamaceutical industry needs this variable
Because it contains innovation.sass data
There are innovations in the solutions.multiple regression data
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.proc data
Because it contains innovation.regression data
There are innovations in the correlation
The phamaceutical industry needs this models
Because it contains innovation.statistics data
There are innovations in the solutions.statistic data
The phamaceutical industry needs this analysis
Because it contains innovation.logistic regression data
There are innovations in the warehouse
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse design
Because it contains warehouse software
There are innovations in the warehouse architecture
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse solutions
Because it contains warehouse training
There are innovations in the warehousing
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.datawarehouse
Because it contains ware house
There are innovations in the warehouse tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse toolkit
Because it contains innovation.what is data warehouse
There are innovations in the solutions.what is data warehousing
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehousing concepts
Because it contains warehouse concepts
There are innovations in the warehouse etl
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse solution
Because it contains warehouse project
There are innovations in the warehousing tools
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.the data warehouse toolkit
Because it contains warehousing training
There are innovations in the solutions.building the data warehouse
The phamaceutical industry needs this objects reporting
Because it contains innovation.cognos reporting
There are innovations in the solutions.brio reporting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.olap reporting
Because it contains innovation.dashboard reporting
There are innovations in the solutions.microstrategy reporting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.regression data
Because it contains reporting
There are innovations in the solutions.multiple regression data
The phamaceutical industry needs this correlation
Because it contains innovation.clinical data
There are innovations in the solutions.clinical data manager
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.clinical trial data
Because it contains innovation.clinical data coordinator
There are innovations in the solutions.clinical data repository
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.clinical data associate
Because it contains innovation.clinical trials data
There are innovations in the solutions.clinical data entry
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.clinical data managment
Because it contains warehouse
There are innovations in the warehouse design
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse software
Because it contains warehouse architecture
There are innovations in the warehouse solutions
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse training
Because it contains warehousing
There are innovations in the solutions.datawarehouse
The phamaceutical industry needs this ware house
Because it contains warehouse tools
There are innovations in the warehouse toolkit
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.what is data warehouse
Because it contains innovation.what is data warehousing
There are innovations in the warehousing concepts
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse concepts
Because it contains warehouse etl
There are innovations in the warehouse solution
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehouse project
Because it contains warehousing tools
There are innovations in the solutions.the data warehouse toolkit
The phamaceutical industry needs this warehousing training
Because it contains innovation.building the data warehouse
There are innovations in the objects reporting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.cognos reporting
Because it contains innovation.brio reporting
There are innovations in the solutions.olap reporting
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.dashboard reporting
Because it contains innovation.microstrategy reporting
There are innovations in the solutions.regression data
The phamaceutical industry needs this reporting
Because it contains innovation.multiple regression data
There are innovations in the correlation
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.clinical data
Because it contains innovation.clinical data manager
There are innovations in the solutions.clinical trial data
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.clinical data coordinator
Because it contains innovation.clinical data repository
There are innovations in the solutions.clinical data associate
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.clinical trials data
Because it contains innovation.clinical data entry
There are innovations in the solutions.clinical data managment
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.manage synonym
Because it contains innovation.manage thesaurus
There are innovations in the solutions.manage synonyms
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.thesaurus dictionary
Because it contains innovation.thesaurus online dictionary
There are innovations in the solutions.control terminology
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.air traffic control terminology
Because it contains innovation.control term
There are innovations in the solutions.performance benchmark
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.performance benchmarks
Because it contains innovation.pc performance benchmark
There are innovations in the solutions.cpu performance benchmark
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.disk performance benchmark
Because it contains innovation.server performance benchmark
There are innovations in the performance benchmark
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.system performance benchmark
Because it contains innovation.benchmark performance group
There are innovations in the solutions.performance benchmark software
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.stat benchmark
Because it contains innovation.benchmark statistics
There are innovations in the performance
The phamaceutical industry needs this performance
Because it contains innovation.microstrategy performance
There are innovations in the solutions.olap performance
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.scsi performance
Because it contains innovation.dashboard performance
There are innovations in the solutions.excels
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.xls
Because it contains innovation.spreadsheet
There are innovations in the solutions.xls file
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.xls viewer
Because it contains innovation.pdf to xls
There are innovations in the solutions.xls files
The phamaceutical industry needs this xls exe
Because it contains xls
There are innovations in the solutions.spreadsheet data
The phamaceutical industry needs this spreadsheets
Because it contains innovation.xcel data
There are innovations in the solutions.datas xls
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.dta xls
Because it contains innovation.cell data
There are innovations in the solutions.statistics xls
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.statistics spreadsheet
Because it contains innovation.statistics spreadsheets
There are innovations in the solutions.statistic xls
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.statistic spreadsheet
Because it contains innovation.statistic spreadsheets
There are innovations in the solutions.spreadsheet average
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.average spreadsheets
Because it contains innovation.statistica xls
There are innovations in the solutions.extract xls
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.spreadsheet extract
Because it contains extract
There are innovations in the extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sql extract
Because it contains innovation.convert extract
There are innovations in the solutions.csv extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.import extract
Because it contains sql extract
There are innovations in the solutions.sql extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.plsql extract
Because it contains innovation.cursor extract
There are innovations in the solutions.xmltype extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.sqlplus extract
Because it contains innovation.db extract
There are innovations in the solutions.xml extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.drop extract
Because it contains innovation.database extract
There are innovations in the solutions.reference extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.clob extract
Because it contains innovation.stored procedure extract
There are innovations in the extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.function extract
Because it contains innovation.sequence extract
There are innovations in the solutions.convert extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.table extract
Because it contains innovation.import extract
There are innovations in the solutions.blob extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this extract
Because it contains innovation.package extract
There are innovations in the solutions.row extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.install extract
Because it contains innovation.sql server extract
There are innovations in the solutions.jdbc extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.schema extract
Because it contains innovation.string extract
There are innovations in the solutions.object extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.unix extract
Because it contains innovation.using extract
There are innovations in the solutions.insert extract
The phamaceutical industry needs this soluiton.datetime extract
Because it contains innovation.array extract
There are innovations in the solutions.create extract

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